The mom who wants other stay at home moms for “shut-the-eff-up” needs a glass of wine

By: Laura Ramirez

April 22, 2015

Recently it has been brought to my attention and many MANY others that stay at home moms should “Be content or quit your whining.” I am also aware that this woman created the article for attention and to get a rise out of the majority of ladies that are stay at home moms.

I have heard more than just the stay at home mom population bellyache about how exhausted they are. Here’s a fun fact: “around 40% of Americans do not get the recommended amount of sleep.” This is in general, not the population that only works or only stays at home.

NO ONE has the authority to pass judgment or make assumptions about another person, not even if you’re a stay at home mom criticizing another stay at home mom. I come from a big family, none of which consisted of stay at home moms and I was not always a stay at home mom. Not everyone comes from the same situation, not everyone wears yoga pants, has a messy house, or an unhelpful husband. Women are supposed to empower each other not tear each other down.

A mere complaint is not a sign of being unappreciative in the least. Maybe women vent to one another because they want to have a real adult conversation or interaction because their time and energy is used up on talking to minors! Has it ever occurred to anyone that when a stay at home mom rants to you that maybe she just needs to vent? Or that she keeps the difficulties hidden from her spouse because to an onlooker this job seems too easy and a little smidge of you feels guilty for that? Could it be that SAHMs feel under appreciated and maybe that’s why they’re not completely satisfied?

So let me get this straight, if you’re unhappy being a stay at home mom you should get a job? So you mean quit the job you have now and seek another one? Is that the advice you’d give a person who had to punch a time card daily? These women are not looking to quit being a mom or a housewife, they are looking for someone to empower them, confide in, let them know that you can relate, have an adult conversation, just a vent to keep them from losing their mind. Is that too much to ask? Or are you too busy in your yoga pants that are covered in little people’s various body fluids, fishing your phone with all of your dreams logged in to it out of the toilet (courtesy of your toddler), maybe it’s that you’re too sad, resentful, you have too many dishes piled up, grass stained laundry, an unhelpful husband, burned chicken, and ornery children so you just don’t have the time to deal with others people’s problems. You didn’t explain my life or the life of any other stay at home moms that I know, the material came from somewhere. I will always welcome a caffeine-deprived mother with greasy hair to come sit at my kitchen table to vent and rant. I may even offer her a glass of wine. So stop giving us stay at home moms a bad rap and come get some wine! here’s the link to the post I’m responding to in case you haven’t read it

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